社会 development is a vital part of the academic experience. By narrowing the age ranges in each academic and 社会 setting, 孩子们可以再当一会儿孩子, 创建小, close-knit environments that nurture their development. The three divisions provide the appropriate amount of support and 独立, 有专门的辅导员和活动.
6-7组 shines with the boundless enthusiasm of middle school students. Our incredibly broad range of academic 还有课外活动 fosters intellectual, 社会, 情感成长, 每年,我们都为来自50多所小学的孩子们担任首席社区建设者的角色. The foundation of the 6-7 experience is a strong community, and students move to the upper school knowing they will be valued.
Collaboration is at the heart of the 6-7 division. We use a team approach to teaching and 建议, 我们安排的单元和活动为跨学科的工作提供了很多机会. 学生们每年都要通过一个严格的学术科目课程,其中包括许多交叉领域. They learn critical skills in each content area, and they also take advantage of dozens of extracurricular offerings in the arts, 体育运动, 还有很多学生领导的社团. 他们变成了天才的问题解决者, 富有同情心的思想家, 无畏的实干家, comfortable confronting challenges that don’t yet have specific answers.
In order to encourage academic risk-taking and discourage needless competition, we largely de- emphasize grades in the 6-7 division, and progress is communicated through the use of detailed narrative reports each quarter. 我们孜孜不倦地与每个学生一起培养他们在高中和生活中取得成功所必需的技能, 比如倡导, 独立, 以及富有想象力的自我表达, and that work is always rooted in the notion of what it means to be a Charger.
六年级和七年级的学生被分配到不同的小组(如他们的咨询“家庭”),以确保学习社区内的顺利合作. Families come together in small groups during morning meetings, 午餐, 特殊项目, 各学科的家长们聚在一起交流每个学生的情况——这种结构使教师能够向所有学生提供高度协调和个性化的支持.
6-7组, nestled in its own campus on the west end of 阿尔布开克学院, 是一个令人兴奋和独特的项目,将卓越的学术标准与社交和情感成长的真实机会相结合. 在我们一系列精彩的课程之间, 我们的全年级活动, 我们的运动, 俱乐部, 还有课外活动, 我们的体验式教育机会, 以及我们的团队精神, 我们的六年级和七年级的学生将学习到什么是履行学校的使命,成为充电人!
我们课程的本质是我们对每个学生的个性化需求的不懈关注, 结果是快乐的, 健康的, and inclusive community that is excited and ready to contribute to the wider world. I invite you to check out all that is happening in the 6-7 division, 我相信你会发现这是一个真正神奇的中学时代的背景!
We aim to increase both their privileges and responsibilities in the classroom, 在社交场合, 在我们的课外活动中. 我们开始整合自由支配的时间, when students may choose to complete homework, 社交, 或者享受一些休息时间, helping them develop time-management skills and learn to make good choices.
While we are conscious of our place as the middle division for our students, 8-9年级不仅仅是简单的接收八年级学生,同时帮助九年级学生继续学习. 我们很高兴也很有机会帮助学生从一个更以自我为中心的身份转变为一个更广阔、更包容的视角. We are conscious of the hormonal changes of this age group and the 社会, 情感, 认知影响, and we strive to provide a safe environment that allows them to try on different personas, knowing that they will discover what feels authentic.
8-9年级将非传统的结构和对低年级和更传统的学校的密切监督联系起来, college-preparatory structure of the upper school. 在8-9年级的教学和指导的基础是一个适合发展的课程, emphasizing personal and academic growth in a safe and structured environment.
充满了智慧和自我, students in 8-9 begin to define themselves as independent actors in the world around them. We gradually increase privileges and responsibilities in the classroom, 在社交场合, 在课外活动中. 我们开始整合自由支配的时间 when students may choose to complete homework, 社交, 或者享受一些休息时间, helping them develop time-management skills and learn to make 健康的, 负责任的选择. 学生们也被鼓励去寻求新的挑战,面对这个复杂的人生阶段所固有的不可避免的挫折,坚持不懈. Ever conscious of hormonal changes and the 社会, 情感, 认知影响, 我们努力提供一个安全的环境,让学生发现什么感觉真实,这样他们就可以从一个更以自我为中心的身份转移到一个更广泛、更有社区意识的观点.
I invite you to explore all the 8-9 division offers. You’ll find a robust academic program coupled with a well-rounded, 适合整个孩子发展的社会情感教育方法.
Two seasons/semesters of athletic team participation, physical education, or combination
Two seasons/semesters of athletic team participation, physical education, or combination
Ex Ed: small-group, coeducational, backcountry wilderness trip
社区服务: one shift of on-campus service; two all-class, half-day service initiatives
社区服务: one shift of on-campus service; one off-campus, small-group service project
10-12年级培养学生的独立性和责任感,这对他们成长为大学生和成年人至关重要. 学生们发现学术课程很严谨, 那些希望用大学水平的工作挑战自己的人可以利用广泛的高级课程和AP课程. 课堂体验是动态的、生动的. 我们的教师都是各自领域的专家,他们孜孜不倦地为丰富的课堂体验做准备. They emphasize critical thinking and the ability to support ideas effectively, 许多课程都是研讨式的. Time is carved out of the schedule each cycle to accommodate speakers, 类会议, 建议, 学习研讨会, 以及社区建设活动.
10-12年级的两个特点是教师和学生之间经常形成的伙伴关系,以及从这些伙伴关系中产生的深厚的感情和尊重. Students regularly visit faculty members outside of class to seek extra help, 为俱乐部或活动争取支持, 或者只是为了得到个人建议.
The course load for students in grades 10-12 is five or six academic courses not including physical education and health classes; independent study and 全球在线学院 courses count toward the total of five or six classes.
The division offers myriad opportunities for learning outside the classroom. 我们众多的戏剧作品, 表演, and concerts provide multiple outlets for artistic expression. The Academy also supports a competitive 体育运动 program, 户外教育课程, 还有各种学生领导的俱乐部. 除了, 该部门的咨询计划促进了学生和教师之间牢固关系的发展. Faculty advisors serve as advocates for students and as points of contact for parents.